How to: Sell Digital Pins on ONESUPERSHOP

In ONESUPERSHOP, it is possible to sell digital pins such as access codes, voucher pins or activation codes. You can upload all the valid codes into a voucher, and automatically dispenses the pins as people buy your product.

To do this, just login to your ONESUPERSHOP account.

1) Go to your menu, and choose MY STORE > PRODUCTS > VOUCHERS

2) Once you are in the VOUCHER page, click on Add new Voucher.  (Learn more about creating vouchers - Fill up the necessary information to complete your voucher.

3) Go to the DIGITAL CODE/PINS tab.  Check the "Use Digital as Products" checkbox. Enter your code and pins (or copy and paste them) one line at a time. Make sure you upload valid pins. The system will automatically detect duplicate pins

Click SAVE and you're done!

Now every time someone buys that voucher online, it will dispense one of your pins and mark it as SOLD. The voucher with the unique pin will be emailed to your buyer, and he can now use that pin to access your website or your mobile application.
